Tag Archives: water play

Even More Nursery Home Learning


Despite still not being in Nursery and missing all our friends its been another busy couple of weeks. Miss Parker has still been emailing everyone each day and loving when you reply and share what you’ve been doing at home. It only seems fair to share the responses with everyone so you can ‘see’ your Nursery friends even when we’re all at home.

Some of us used our senses and went on a Hunt in our gardens to see what our senses could find. Do you think the flowers smelt nice? How do you think the grass felt?

Some of use enjoyed making potions with water and other ingredients. One of these children even said their potion was to make the flowers grow.

We thought about Online Safety which is especially important at this time when many of us are spending more time on our devices. Did you watch the video with the Funny Tummy song? Find it again by clicking here and looking for Episode 1. This was really important as it had happened to J’Nai the day before.


Some of us built rockets on International Space Day using materials we could find round our house. Look at this amazing example…..

Miss Parker sent us a rhyming story is listen to so we could try and work out the rhyming words at the end of each sentence. If you’d like to listen to the rhyming story Oi Frog again then click on this link.

After this Freya downloaded another phonics games to her devices to she could practise.

Some of us thought about how important is to make sure we keep washing our hands and, after watching the Dr Ranj episode about Coronavirus, showed our families how to wash their hands properly.

We know how important it is to stay active and moving so some of us did some dinosaur dancing in our gardens and using Cosmic Yoga. Then we drew pictures of our dinosaurs all by ourselves.

Some of us tried a different type of exercise.

Some children tried to make different shapes with sticks and talked about the shapes they’d made.  Then they made some shape pictures. Can you see what it is?

And we’ve been doing and learning lots of other things while we’ve been at home as well. Just look at all these pictures…..


Finally Leelan asked if I could post his message to show Nicholas so here it is….


(I miss playing with Nicholas)

A BIG well done and thank you to these children and parents who have sent emails and photos. If you want to feature in our next blog post please make sure you send any pictures to Miss Parker on the class email. Its always great to hear from you.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all, hopefully, soon. Take care and stay safe 🌈


Fine Motor Skills


This week in nursery we have been trying hard with our fine motor skills. These are important to help us to get ready for writing.

In the sand tray we have been using our new tweezers to pick up small objects and count them into tubs. We have also been using chopsticks because we have been learning about Chinese New Year. The chopsticks were the trickiest!


In the water tray we have been using special squeezy pipettes to help make our fingers stronger. We have been been using jugs and beakers to fill and pour.


In the play dough we have had letters this week. We have used them to practise recognising our letters and stamping the letters in our name. We have also been using the rollers and tweezers to help make our hands stronger.


On the quiet table we have had cotton buds, water and chalk boards. We dipped our cotton bud in the water then used it to make a pattern. After a few seconds it disappeared!


All these activities help to get us ready for writing. At home you can help your children get ready for writing with activities like play dough, drawing, painting, threading, jigsaws and using small objects such as Lego.

Building in Nursery


We have been doing lots of fun activities this week in Nursery for our buildings theme.

In the sensory tray we have been playing with sand slime. We used it to stick blocks together and build walls using the tools.


In the play dough we use vehicle cutters, diggers and rocks.


In the water tray we used colourful ice to make sculptures. We added fake snow, styrofoam and white foam cylinders to build models.


In the painting area we used Duplo blocks to stamp patterns.


Spaghetti Nests


This week we have been thinking about owls as part of our Magical Me theme.

In our water tray we have had spaghetti and straws to make bird nests. We used the scissors to cut the straws and spaghetti.

Can you see what the children talked about?


Making Potions


In nursery we have been making lots of potions for our topic of Magical Me!

In the water tray we have made potions with different coloured waters, glitter and bubbles. This week we have been making foaming potions.


In our potion kitchen we have been thinking of lots of different potions to make in the cauldrons. Have a look at our recipes below.


Fireworks and Bonfire Night


We had lots of fun learning about fireworks and Bonfire Night in Nursery.

We mixed brusho and food colouring into a tray of gloop (cornflour and water) to make fireworks. We use the tools to make lines and swirls.

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In the water tray we used oil mixed with food colouring to make it look like fireworks! We added glitter and used the whisks to mix them around.

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In our special glittery play dough we used colourful matchsticks, stars and sparkly pipe cleaners to make our own fireworks.


We looked at firework pictures and listened to the sounds of fireworks to help us write firework poetry.

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