Category Archives: nature

Autumn Secret Garden Visits 2020


We’ve had a wonderful time in Autumn half term visiting our Secret Garden each week. It’s been great to see the changes that have happened through Autumn and as we go into Winter. We’ve also had a different focus each week for us to think about each week.

Week 1

We went to look for different Autumn colours in the Secret Garden. We had to look carefully to find the right shades of each colour.

Week 2

We went to the Secret Garden again this time to look for treasures. We were allowed to have a look round and find objects which interested us to take back to Nursery to explore further.

Week 3

This time when we got to the Secret Garden we found some Secret Symbols. We have to think very carefully to think what they might mean and who might have put them there. When we got back to Nursery we tried to write some Secret Symbols of our own.

Week 4

We noticed that the trees had started to look a bit different. We were a bit unsure whether the trees were dead or not. When we got to Secret Garden we looked for buds on the trees and used the Twig ID sheet to try and work out which tree it was. We learnt the trees weren’t dead they were just having a rest for the Winter.

Week 5

We practised our counting in the Secret Garden this week. Everyone was given a cup with a number (and the correct number of dots on) so we could see if we could count the correct number of objects into the cup. We were allowed to use whatever we could find in the Secret Garden.

Week 6

This week we made some new friends to look after our Secret Garden for us over the Christmas holidays. Little did we know they’d be looking after it for a lot longer than that. We had to use our hands to make the clay stick to the tree which was a bit tricky on a cold day and then search for objects to make the face.

We love our trips to the Secret Garden and can’t wait to get back up there soon to see how it has altered as the seasons have changes. What do you think it will look like there today?

We do also love listening out for our robin when we go up the Secret Garden. You can often hear him singing his song and if you’re lucky you can sometimes see him too.