Category Archives: Our New School

Classroom Displays


You might have noticed the different displays we have been putting up in nursery.

We have changed how we do displays a little in Foundation Stage. We have changed the background colours so they are more natural and calming and the children’s work stands out more. We have also tried to add more of what the children have said about their learning to displays.

Here are some of the new displays in our classroom:

Children’s Display

You will have seen your child’s photo on the wall. Every child has a space with their photo, their name (written from memory) and their targets. We will continue to add children’s work to this display to show you what they have been doing in nursery. This might be photos, models, writing, art work or learning stories. There will also be a speech bubble showing what the children have said about their learning. Please look at your child’s space and ask us anything you would like to know about it. If children have done something at home you would like to share please bring it in to show us!


Interactive Maths Display

In our maths area we have a new interactive maths display to support children’s maths skills. There are envelopes with the numbers to ten filled with objects. There are photos of that number of children, number cards, counting fingers, photos of numbers in the environment, objects to count etc. Children can count out objects, order numbers, match numbers and amounts etc. Children can carry on this learning at home; looking for numbers in the environment (on signs, phones, buses, trams, clocks etc), counting out objects when playing, eating and baking.


Critique Display

The children drew a picture of themselves. They then shared it with their friends who suggested how they might make it better. They had another try at their drawing taking on board their friends’ comments. As you can see there is a big difference between their first and second drawings. This process encouraged children to be reflective and supportive to friends.


Construction Display

The children drew a picture of what they wanted to build then created it with the blocks. They then talked about what they had made.


Early Years Display

This display has information about the Early Years Foundation Stage. It includes information about the characteristics of learning which are things we want to see in the children’s learning and play such as exploring and having their own ideas. There are photos to show what this looks like in children’s play. In the children’s end of year reports we will be looking at how the children show these characteristics in their play.


Our New Classroom


We love our new classroom!

We have been in our new school for two weeks and even though there are still things to finish it’s starting to feel like ours.

Have a look at the pictures of our new nursery below:


Mark Making Area


Maths Area


Reading, Story Telling and Book Nook


Fine Motor Table


Water and Sensory Tray


Role-Play Area


Phonics Table


Construction and Small World Area




Quiet Room


Sensory Table


Music Area


Playdough Area


Sensory Area


Getting ready for our new classroom


We are SO excited about moving to our new school!

We only have a few days left in our old school. While we have been busy starting to pack things ready for the big move we have also been making things for our new classroom.

First we wanted to make something to brighten up the outdoor area. In Nursery we love stickers so we used them to decorate CDs.


We stuck foam stickers, animal stickers, buttons and feathers to CDs. Then we used glitter glue to add patterns and detail to our CDs. We will hang them in the outside area to catch the light.

Then we wanted to create some art for our new classroom. We wanted to make something that everybody could contribute to. We used a piece of bubble wrap and cut small pieces of ribbon and wool to fill the bubbles.


We cut a small hole in the back of the bubble, pushed the fabric through and then taped up the hole. It was very fiddly and tricky, we had to be extra careful not to pop the bubbles!


Finally we wanted to make something pretty for our new room. We used a hoop to make something special for our reading area. We cut different sized pieces of ribbon and wool and tied them to the hoop, so the fabric hangs down. We will hang it in our new classroom.


Come back to see photos of our new room!