While much of our learning happens in Nursery there is so much you can so with your child at home which will help them develop and grow.

There is a collection of ideas and things to try if you go to this link here…..


During the Lockdown of 2020 Miss Parker sent a daily email with ideas of things to do with children at home.

This collection of ideas has now been collated so you can search for An Idea a Day if you want extra things to do at home. So many of these activities can be done at any time and may give you some ideas of things to do together. Sometimes thinking of the ideas is the hardest part. We hope this helps.

Click on the cog symbol at the top of the new page to search for ideas using the Categories and Tags or use the Search button. For example, if its a rainy day and you’re trying to find something to do, type ‘rain’ and then chose one of the activities. Your child may need to practise their mark making and writing so search for ‘writing’.