Daily Archives: January 18, 2015

Maths Celebration Day


Last Wednesday was our maths celebration day to launch our new calculation policy. We invited our parents and carers into school and had lots of fun doing maths activities all day.

We played number bowling outside, counting how many skittles we knocked down and finding the number on the number track.


On the whiteboard we counted animals and found the matching number then wrote the number.


In the block area we chose photos of models to make. Then we counted how many blocks we needed and counted to check if we needed more or less.


On the snack table we made domino biscuits. We covered them in icing then added different coloured smarties to each side and counted how many we had altogether.


On the writing table we practised writing our numbers.


In the sand tray we rolled the dice and added straw legs to spiders.


We played fill the cup. We rolled the dice and raced to fill the cup with blocks.


On the play dough table we made ladybirds, rolled the dice and added beads to each side. Then we counted how many we had altogether.


We added numbers to the car track and tried to follow the numbers in the right order using our number tracks to help us.


We had lots of fun on our maths celebration day, there are lots of fun things you could do at home to practise your numbers and counting. Have a look at some of the activities below:


We’d love to hear about what you’ve been doing at home!