Tag Archives: balloon drop

Firework Fun! (Homemade Lava Lamps, Balloon Drop Painting and Sparklers)

Firework Fun! (Homemade Lava Lamps, Balloon Drop Painting and Sparklers)

This week in nursery we have had so much firework fun!

Here are some of our favourite activities …

Lava Lamps

We made our own lava lamps. First we followed instructions and filled the bottle with 2/3 oil, 1/3 water and a few drops of food colouring.

We watched the water sink to the bottom and separate from the oil, the colouring changed the colour of the water but not the oil.

Then we dropped in an Alka Seltzer and watched the colourful bubbles.

We changed the experiment by adding more water and food colouring or more tablets then talked about what we could see happening.

This is a great experiment for you to try at home and no mess!


Sparklers and Hot Chocolate

As it was Bonfire Night last weekend we celebrated with Sparklers and Hot Chocolate.

We thought about how to keep ourselves safe and what we could see happening.


Balloon Drop Painting 

Everybody loved this activity. We blew up balloons and dipped them in paint. Then we dropped them and rolled them onto black paper to create firework pictures. A sprinkle of glitter and they were done!

We had lots of fun and learnt our colours, we also thought about what would happen when we dropped them from different heights or if we rolled them instead.

You could try this activity at home with leftover birthday balloons, just be prepared for a little mess!


Making Fireworks

We have had lots of fun making fireworks this week.

We used loose parts to make our own fireworks and  we made fireworks in the workshop our of tubes and paper.

We made gloop out of cornflour and water then added lolly pop sticks, food colouring and glitter to make our firework pictures. In the water tray we added gliitter, tubes and empty baubles and swirled the water to look like fireworks.


Firework Pictures

We used crayons and blue paint to create firework pictures…


10 Little Fireworks

In Maths we sang 10 little fireworks and practised our counting…
